Purchase Order Approvals Support Articles

SUP087 – Purchase Order Approvals

Purchase Order Approval vendor limits


The Purchase Order Approval Function allows for you to create a Purchase Order workflow authorisation function across the business to manage the related spend per Vendor as well as to set specific limits per Employee /Approver.


Function Activation
To activate the Purchase Order Approval function, access the Company Options function and the Payables / Settings tab, activating the feature and setting the default User Document Limits and Vendor Monthly Limits. Note that once this feature has been activated, you will be unable to create a Purchase Order without first converting it from a Purchase Quote.

Purchase order Approval

Assign User and Vendor Limits
In the Accounts Payable Module, Maintenance Section select the Purchase Order Approver Icon. Here we will assign the various approvers, together with their Document Limit as well as the automated notification method.

Purchase Order Approval setup
You can also assign monthly Vendor limits to manage the spend on a per vendor basis. Should no limit be set then the Vendor will be afforded an unlimited monthly spend.

Purchase Order Approval vendor limits

You can also setup default notification messages for the Email and/or SMS alerts.

Purchase Order Approval notifications


Creating a Purchase Requisition
When you create a purchase Requisition you will need to select the relevant approver. Note that this will only display the relevant approvers based on their requisite Document Limit.

Purchase Order requisition

Approving a Purchase Requisition
On selecting the Purchase Order Approvals function each user will be presented with a list of Purchase Requisitions awaiting their approval.

Purchase Order Approval waiting
Once you select a document you will be presented with the option to either Accept or Decline the document. On approval the Purchase Requisition will be converted to a Purchase Order.

Purchase Order requisition accept

Declining a Purchase Requisition
Should you decline a Purchase Requisition you will be able to set a Decline Reason code on the Purchase Requisition using the standard Authorisation reason codes.

Purchase Order requisition decline

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